A very interesting article on Greek meatballs by NY Times' Elaine Louie cites Diane Kochilas, a cookbook author and the consulting chef at Pylos in New York's East Village, who says something which I agree with 110% - 'the most aromatic Greek cooking is the food of Greeks who were refugees from Turkey'.
My father would agree on this one. His side of the family is originally from Asia Minor and settled in Thessaloniki in the earlier part of the 20th century.
young Greek, you are positively delectable. When are we going to see you on screen?
hmmm.....when I finish my PhD perhaps? :) the more important question is when do we see you Irish princess?
Yannaki mou.. Se latrevo kai s'agapo m'oloi mou thn kardia. But it's eveident to me, Ms Kohilas and you have never been to Naxos...
Did you think I wasn't going to comment about the island where the hand of God have touched???
For dinner tonight, I grilled porterhouse steaks. I seasoned them with salt and pepper only. When then were done, I drizzeled olive oil, lemon and a pinch of oregano from the horio. My guests commented on how tender and falvourful they were. My sides consisted of fresh ears of corn. I shucked them, then rubbed butter and wrapped them in aluminum foil and threw them on the grill. Ialso grilled baby zucchini and baby portobello mushrooms. I seasoned those veggies with olive oil, salt, pepper, oregano, basamic vinegar and crushed garlic. I threw those on the grill as well. I also cut up tomatoes, challets and cucumber, sliced some feta thin and threw it all together with olive oil and kapers. To accompany that, I had a nice crusty loaf of bread. We ate outside and it was all perfect.
Come back home in the summer so I can cook for you too!!
Kisses :)
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