
my darn good banana bread recipe (inspired by Susan Jane White)

Mylittlebaklava should be rebranded mylazyblogger. Anyway, I felt like sharing on this mildly cold Geneva Sunday a recipe for a very moist banana bread I baked yesterday in my lazy weekend boredom. The inspiration for this came from my dear Irish friend and critically acclaimed cookbook author and nutritional cook Susan Jane White (The Extra Virgin Kitchen). Susan Jane's recipe is a twist on the traditional banana bread using rye.

As noted, my version was an inspiration, but as I have no gluten allergies, the only thing our recipes share are the banana itself. And the cinnamon. And the coconut edge. I was frankly too lazy to schlep myself over to get the ingredients needed (e.g. rye, dates, and colleagues). Susan also makes her very own Nutella to top of her wonder bread. I used the commercial jar. She is the real deal. And I am the diva.

In essence, what was in the cupboard, I grabbed and did my magic.


1.5 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons of cinnamon
1 stick of butter
1 cup sugar
2 tablespoons brown sugar
2 eggs, beaten
1 teaspoon salt
4 small bananas mashed with a fork (they were super ripe), save a few slices for topping
1/4 cup Greek yogurt (I add it to everything)
1/2 cup granola (I used a mix with hazelnuts that was a Swiss brand, which gives extra layer of flavour and texture)
small handful of shredded coconut (I had some from an Indian food brand)


Preheat oven (fan) at 165 C, folks.
1. Mix dry ingredients first. In a medium size bowl, sift flour, and add baking powder, salt, and cinnamon. Set this to the side.
2. Break out your electric mixer, and cream butter with sugar in a separate (and larger) bowl. Do this for 5 minutes at medium-to-high speed. Then add brown sugar. And two eggs. Mix for one more minute at medium speed. (if you don't have an electric mixer, go vintage and mix by hand like our grandmothers did).
3. Slowly add flour, again mixing at medium speed so you don't have an explosion of flour in your kitchen (or face).
4. Finish off by adding rest of the ingredients, mix for one more minute. You are looking for a nice batter that is not too loose, nor too thick. Middle way, like the Buddha says.
5. Pour batter into a rectangular bread tin that has been buttered up (I had a smaller tin). Add 4-5 slices of banana you have reserved as a topic. Makes for a nice effect when done, as you get this lovely caramelized texture of the banana.
6. Bake for 50 minutes to 1 hour. Check after 40 minutes with a long souvlaki stick (or thin kebab skewer) to check if it is done. As I used a smaller tin, and my batter by virtue went up to the top of the tin, the bread took about an hour to be baked to perfection.
7. When done, remove from oven, and rest on cooling rack. Remove from tin when cool, and indulge with some Nutella toping.  

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